Brexit — Mind the Gap

Eleftherios Jerry Floros
7 min readOct 23, 2017

Brexit Tribulations

Difficult and prolonged negotiations between the UK and EU27 have not resulted in any trade deal as yet and the prospects to reach a deal by 2019 look pretty slim.

And how can it ?

When British parliament and it’s MP’s cannot even agree on a common approach to Brexit, how to move forward ?

There are voices of opinion on both sides of the Brexit debacle but no one really knows the way forward.

Prime Minister Mrs Theresa May appears to flip-flop on many subjects such as immigration, trade deals and the rights of EU citizens in the UK after Brexit is finalised.

In the process of Brexit, the UK economy is on a rollercoaster ride with the Bank of England considering interest rise or not and the Pound is oscillating like a cardiac monitor.

Since Brexit, the Pound has fallen significantly resulting in inflation nearing 3%, the highest since April 2012.

The reality is that UK needs the EU and the EU needs the UK.

The longer the Brexit negotiations drag on, the longer it will take to stabilise the UK economy and remove…



Eleftherios Jerry Floros

Passionate about FinTech, Decentralised Finance, and Digital Disruption which will profoundly impact the global economy as well as our personal lives